Für alle, die sich vertieft mit alternativen Währungen befassen wollen: Die wissenschaftliche Online-Zeitschrift International Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR) bringt immer wieder spannende und hochaktuelle Forschungs- und Praxisberichte aus der ganzen Welt. Aktuell ist eine grosse Spezialausgabe auch mit einem Artikel aus der Forschung von FleXibles erschienen. Alles natürlich in Englisch 😉
The special issue 2015 of the IJCCR includes 15 papers that were presented at the 2nd Conference on Complementary and Community Currency Systems, Rotterdam 2013.
Including a paper by FleXibles research (author: J. Martignoni):
Cooperation and Intertrade between Community Currencies: From fundamentals to rule-making and clearing systems, Including a Case Study of the Zurich Area, Switzerland
The article describes money or currency as an instrument of cooperation, based on a sociological and institutional economics background. It then postulates currency as an operating system and focuses on the technical terms of trade if one would try to establish cooperation between such systems. Basic principles of interchange and intertrade, which are necessary for success, are presented, such as the ideas of trade balance, compensation funds, exchange rates and clearing, set-points and limits, references, anchoring money and tolls and taxes. Further some aspects of governance and negotiation are discussed and a nested framework of rules is adapted to currencies. As an Appendix a case study of the Zurich region is presented.